Miss Nikkie
Miss Nikkie Ruud Ripka
Ms Nikkie Ruud Ripka was enrolled in Tap and Jazz at the age of 3 and the rest as they say is history. Her life long passion has led to a 30+ year career in dance instruction. Her teaching repertoire includes Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Lyrical, Musical Theatre, Stage, Hip Hop, Kids Yoga, and more!
Ms Nikkie holds a Members Certification with the C.D.T.A (Canadian Dance Teachers Association) in Tap and Jazz. She is also certified with KAY Yoga (Kidding Around Yoga) in Children’s Yoga. Ms Nikkie is a Certified ECE instructor and a former Fine Arts Pre-School Director. Ms Nikkie is also the Director and Education Leader for the new Early Learning Program for 2-4 year olds, Fine Arts Express.
Ms Nikkie has staged choreography for CFL half-time shows and musical theatre choreography for various Theatre Companies. Her expertise has given her the opportunity to share her passions with students of all ages, at studios and schools in L.A, Vancouver, numerous others across Western Canada, and in addition – the opportunity to own and direct her own dance and art schools along the way!
Ms Nikkie is thrilled to be joining DiversityDance for her third season.